Environmental Humanities Extinction

Two exciting French translations

I’m very happy to announce two recent French translations of my writing.


The first was published a month or so ago in Jef Klak and is an abridged version of Chapter Four of my book Flight Ways. This is the chapter focused on the whooping cranes and the violent-care of conservation.

Le blues des grues blanches: Violence du soin dans la préservation des espèces
par Thom van Dooren
Traduit de l’anglais (USA)
par Judith Chouraqui, Cyril Lecerf Maulpoix, Romain André et Grégoire Chamayou


The second translation is not yet published but has now been confirmed for an exciting book called Revolutions Animales. The collection is edited by Karine Lou Matignon and includes contributions by wonderful people including Vinciane Despret, Jane Goodall, Frans de Waal, Marc Bekoff, Peter Singer, Irene Pepperberg and Dominique Lestel. It should be out later this year.

My short contribution, “Sharing places with urban penguins,” covers some of the issues discussed in Chapter Three of Flight Ways, focused on the small population of penguins that make their home in Sydney Harbour.