This page includes only translations of my books. For a list of translations of articles and essays, please see the final section of my full publications page.
Flight Ways: Life and Loss at the Edge of Extinction
Japanese translation: 絶滅へむかう鳥たち -絡まり合う生命と喪失の物語- Seidosha (2023). Translated by 西尾義人. Further information on the publisher’s webpage.
French translation: En plein vol: Vivre et mourir au seuil de l’extinction, Éditions Wildproject, Marseille (2021). Translated by Marin Schaffner. Further information on the publisher’s webpage.
The Wake of Crows: Living and Dying in Shared Worlds
French translation: Dans le sillage des corbeaux, Actes Sud, Paris (2022). Translated by Amanda Prat-Giral. Further information on the publisher’s webpage.
A World in a Shell: Snail Stories for a Time of Extinctions
French translation: Tout un Monde Dans une Coquille: Histoires d’escargots au temps des extinctions, Éditions La Découverte, Paris (2023). Translated by Philippe Pignarre and Isabelle Stengers. Further information on the publisher’s webpage.
Japanese translation: カタツムリから見た世界 – Seidosha (2024). Translated by 西尾義人. Further information on the publisher’s webpage.